The G-Mini Mambo Highchair in LAZULIT is a versatile and stylish highchair that is perfect for growing babies and toddlers. It is suitable for children from 6 months to 20 kg, and has a number of features that make it both comfortable and safe for your little one.
The highchair has a three-position adjustable backrest, so you can find the perfect angle for your child to sit at. It also has a five-point safety harness to keep them secure, and a removable tray that is easy to clean.
The G-Mini Mambo Highchair is also height-adjustable, so it can be used at the table with the rest of the family, or at a lower height for younger children. It also comes with a practical basket for storing toys, cutlery, or other essentials.
The highchair is made from durable materials and is easy to assemble and disassemble. It also folds up compactly for storage or transportation.
- Suitable for children from 6 months to 20 kg
- Three-position adjustable backrest
- Five-point safety harness
- Removable tray
- Height-adjustable
- Includes practical basket
- Durable and easy to assemble and disassemble
- Folds up compactly
- Comfortable and safe for your little one
- Versatile and can be used at the table or at a lower height
- Easy to clean
- Portable and easy to store
Overall, the G-Mini Mambo Highchair in LAZULIT is a great choice for parents looking for a versatile, stylish, and safe highchair for their growing child.